Great clip of our own Dan F. teaching a cervical spine technique to Portsmouth Physical Therapy staff. It’s demos like this – as well as covering case studies, reviewing journals and current evidence, and practicing high level techniques – that allows our staff to be the absolute best physical therapists on the New Hampshire seacoast!
Choosing Physical Therapy Over RICE for Neck Pain
Published June 21, 2016 | Posted in Portsmouth PT Blog Posts.Sure, we’ve all heard of RICE, the mnemonic for four elements of treatment for soft tissue injuries – rest, ice, compression and elevation. However, in an area of the body such as the neck, these minimal procedures may not be enough to get you feeling better. Neck pain is a common ailment, and is listed …
Can a Physical Therapist ” Crack your back or neck?”
Published August 21, 2014 | Posted in Portsmouth PT Blog Posts.I was recently asked this question by a physician colleague while discussing treatment of cervicogenic headaches (one sided headaches that arise from the back of the head and radiate to the front). He was inquiring about the most effective treatment for his wife, who has been suffering with neck pain and headaches for some time. …
Portsmouth NH: What should you expect from a modern evidence based Physical Therapy practice?
Published August 1, 2014 | Posted in Portsmouth PT Blog Posts.What you should expect from modern evidence based Physical Therapy! If you have been to our office, you have been asked to fill out a survey on a tablet. In addition to being a health history questionnaire, the survey is also allowing us to track and predict the outcomes of our patients. The system we …