Patient Forms
We have upgraded our intake process!
We are excited to announce that we are using a new patient portal! In our efforts to keep you and your health information safe, we have gone paperless. Our new patient portal system allows you to fill out your health information remotely.
The portal is not only mobile-friendly, but once you are a registered patient with us; our system will securely store your information should you return. This process saves you valuable time and decreases redundant requests for information every time you return to our practice. Stay tuned for more enhancements coming in 2021!
You will receive information on the patient portal directly to your email when you schedule an evaluation. This email will be sent from our Partner, Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network, and our EMR vendor, [email protected]. The subject is Pinnacle Rehabilitation Network Patient Portal Invitation.
Because we value your feedback, we have also implemented a new way of determining your overall satisfaction. The NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a nationally recognized and widely used method of measuring patient satisfaction. After your initial visit and at some points throughout your care you will receive a short satisfaction survey from us. We strive for 10/10 every time with every patient and use the information gathered from these surveys to improve care and to recognize staff.
Frequently Asked Questions
Physical Therapists are specially trained in the examination and treatment of musculoskeletal and neuromuscular problems that affect a person’s ability to move and function efficiently in his/her daily life. A Physical Therapist can help reduce pain and restore function for patients with injuries, as well as provide preventative programs and promote general health and fitness.
Injuries, disease, and aging can wreak havoc on your body, leaving you with a level of difficulty in performing normal, basic movements. Physical therapy can be effective in helping you regain your movement and heal faster. It can make simple things like walking, dribbling a basketball, or typing at a computer easier. Physical therapy teaches you special exercises that can help strengthen weakened muscles and increase range of motion to help you move and function with increased ease.